What made you want to work in Local Government?
I’m actually a third generation local government employee so I may have been destined to work in local government! That aside, I really value being able to tangibly identify the contribution that we make to the community and to visibly see the outcomes which we deliver.
What made you join LG Professionals Tasmania?
LG Pro provides plenty of opportunity to network and connect with staff from other councils and to gain experience from others. The LG Pro membership base is incredibly supportive and willing to share knowledge and assist across the sector.
What interests do you have outside of work?
I’m still playing Masters football and have done a few triathlons the last couple of summers, albeit very slowly! I have a six year old and four year old twins so their interests are fast becoming my interests as well.
If you could give your 12-year-old self 1 piece of advice what would it be?
Really enjoy Carlton being a successful footy club! On a serious note though, to be yourself and not worry what others think about you.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
My first paid job was to collect the footballs after a goal was kicked during games at the Devonport Oval and I bought my first set of golf clubs from my earnings – I must have been 11 or 12 years old.
What do you think are some of the biggest challenges facing the sector at the moment?
Clearly the financial pressures arising as a result of COVID-19 will be a significant challenge for the sector in the next few years. However I think this only exacerbates an existing trend that local government is expected to provide ever expanding services to the community with insufficient resources to provide them.
Biggest regret outside of work in the past 10 years?
I’m not sure that this is my ‘biggest’ regret – I have far too many – but I definitely regret not travelling more while we could.