October 2020


LG Professionals Tas was delighted to conduct the annual conference under social distancing measures at The Grange, Campbell Town on Thursday 15 October.

The conference was kindly opened by Mayor Mary Knowles, OAM, Northern Midlands Council and Dr Katrena Stephenson, CEO, Local Government Association of Tasmania and Mathew Healey, Director, Policy and Sector Performance spoke at the AGM.

Thanks to our keynote speaker, Simon Brookhouse, CEO, Tasmania JackJumpers who led a comprehensive list of Tasmanian speakers who presented on resilience and adapting to change including:

  • Matt Cocker, Hobart Airport
  • Linda Manaena, Leader Success
  • Dr Jennifer Nichols, PsychologyWorks
  • David Dilger, Edge Legal

Thanks to the General Managers: James Dryburgh - Brighton Council, David Midson - West Coast Council and John Brown - Break O-Day Council for their candid discussion about the impacts of COVID-19 on their local council. Kim Millar, our awesome MC played a pivotal role during the day.

During the proceedings, the long-serving members, regional award winners and the Australasian Management Challenge regional winner were recognised in front of their peers.

Special presentations were made to Peter Murfett who has recently retired from the Management Challenge and Paul West and Andrew Wardlaw who were admitted as Life Members for their outstanding service to local government.

Special thanks go to our corporate partners without whom our conference would not be possible: JLT Public Sector, Tasplan Super, Edge Legal, Page Seager, CouncilJobs, Local Government Association of Tasmania, Dobson Mitchell Allport,  Insight GIS, Work & Training, B4 Early Years Coalition, Red Piranha, CouncilWise, FYB Pty Ltd and RDA Tasmania.

Finally, to the conference committee: Anna Holland, Paul Jackson, Janine Banks and Laura Eaton thanks for your work in bringing the conference together.


Congratulations to Gary Arnold, Kingborough Council who was re-elected as Tasmanian President, Leanne Hurst was elected as Vice President and Matthew Atkins as National Director.

Rolph Vos, West Tamar Council and Jonathan Harmey, Meander Valley Council were unanimously re-elected as Directors for a period of three years. They join Anna Holland, City of Hobart and Shane Power from George Town Council.

Our Branch Presidents are Paul Jackson, City of Hobart as Southern Branch President, Jonathan Harmey, Meander Valley Council as Northern Branch President and Tracey Bradley as Cradle Coast Branch President.


LG Professionals SA are pleased to be offer placements for their Strategic Management Program to Tasmanian local government officers.

Developed in partnership with UniSA and local government experts, the Strategic Management Program will help you build high-level leadership and management skills within a local government context, and learn the technical skills required to manage business functions and enhance innovation, strategic thinking, business acumen and operational excellence.

This interactive program will be delivered in a live virtual classroom designed to engage participants through a shared learning experience focusing on challenges specific to the sector.

Information session

Interested in the Strategic Management Program and have questions?

Join LG Professionals SA and Ross Morriss, Director of Strategic Partnerships at UniSA, for a virtual information session on our Strategic Management Program. The session will provide an overview of the program learning outcomes and provide attendees with the opportunity to ask any questions about the program and online learning environment. 

Date: Wednesday 4 November
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM (AEDT)
Via Zoom

Register here for the information session.

Visit the website to learn more.

Tas Members, to register for the program please use the code Members to access the SA member rate.


At the LG Professionals Tas Annual Conference, two Fellow members received Life Memberships for their significant service to local government.

Congratulations to Paul West and Andrew Wardlaw.

Karen Hampton, Community Services Manager, Devonport City Council presented the two awards and gave a moving account of their long and valued service. An excerpt follows.

Paul West
Paul has been employed in Local Government for a total of 35 years of which he has been a General Manager for a combined total of 19 years. Commencing in 1980, Paul has held positions at Burnie City, Waratah-Wynyard, King Island, George Town, Circular Head, West Coast, Kingborough and Devonport Councils at either an executive level or as General Manager since 1992.

Paul’s first appointment as a General Manager was in 1999 at West Coast Council.  Since then, he has held General Manager positions at West Coast, Waratah-Wynyard and Kingborough Councils and more recently General Manager with Devonport Council, a position he held from January 2014 to September 2019. 

Paul has been an active member of LG Professionals (formerly LGMA) for 27 years and was inducted as a Fellow of the organisation in 2004.  Paul is a former State President and represented Tasmania on the National Board from 2006 to 2011 and held the role of National President in 2010.  He is also a previous member of the Local Government Board

Since ceasing employment with Devonport City Council in last year, Paul has established a consultancy firm, River Road Consulting and continues to work in Local Government, thus enabling Councils to still have the benefit of his extensive skills and experience.

Andrew Wardlaw
Andrew has been employed in Local Government for a total of 27 years, been a General Manager for a combined total of 18 years; represented Local Government at a National Level and has significantly contributed to Local Government in Tasmania.

He commenced his career in Local Government in 1993 at King Island Council as a Senior Administration Officer, however, within a few months, his role changed to that of Senior Finance Officer.  He has held positions at King Island, West Coast, and Burnie City Councils at either an executive level or as General Manager since 1993.

His first appointment as a General Manager was in 1999 at West Coast Council.  He was then appointed General Manager at King Island Council from June 2003 to July 2009 prior to commencing at Burnie City Council.  Andrew held the position of General Manager with Burnie City Council from 2012 until July this year.

Andrew has been an active member of LG Professionals Tas for 25 years, was the Director of the State Board from 2010 to 2017 and held the position of State President from 2012 to 2014.  He was inducted as a Fellow of the organisation in 2014. 

He represented Tasmania as a Director on the National Board from 2011 to 2017 and during this term was a member of the National Executive Committee before holding the position of National President from May 2016 to May 2017. 

Andrew has recently joined Paul at River Road Consulting and continues to share his knowledge with the local government sector. 


    Dr Katrena Stephenson has been the CEO of the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) since 2015, having previously served as their Policy Director for eight years.

    Katrena has recently resigned to take up the role of Director Environment, Development & Community with Kingborough Council in January.

    Congratulations Katrena!

    The Board of LG Professionals Tas expresses thanks to Katrena for her service to the association as an observer on the Board. More than an observer, Katrena has provided advice and guidance to the Board on a range of matters and ably mentored and supported the CEO. 

    Katrena will continue as an Executive Member of LG Professionals Tas in her new role at Kingborough Council.


    Thanks to Australian Government funding through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Office for Women and facilitated by LG Professionals Australia, we are pleased to announce the recipients of the three scholarships for women affected by COVID-19.

    The recipients will attend the Emerging Leaders Program in November and receive an annual LG Professionals Tas Membership.

    Congratulations to:

    • Alison Hyde, Administration Assistant, Beaconsfield Mine and Heritage Centre, Front of House, West Tamar Council
    • Lucie Copas, Executive & Communications Officer, Northern Midlands Council
    • Amanda McCall, Manager, Governance Strategy and Risk, Derwent Valley Council


    This month we have interviewed Lucie Copas, the Executive and Communications Officer from the Northern Midlands Council.

    Lucie, what do you do in your role and how long have you been doing it?

    I am responsible for all of Councils communications (internal + external) including social media and print media publications, website maintenance, organizing civic events such as our Citizenship Ceremonies, I am also the Mayors Assistant + many other things! I have been in my role for just over 3 years now.


    What made you want to work in Local Government?

    I have always had an interest in politics, especially local government and the opportunities and experience that this industry offers are invaluable.

    What made you join LG Professionals Tasmania?

    I wanted to join to expand my network, learn more about the industry and get involved in further training and professional development.

    What interests do you have outside of work?

    I have just taken up Pilates and it has very quickly become an obsession of mine! I also love exploring Tasmania and sampling everything that this state offers.

    If you could give your 12-year-old self 1 piece of advice what would it be?

    Don’t stress over things you cannot control.

    What is something most people don’t know about you?

    My name isn’t Lucie.

    What do you think are some of the biggest challenges facing the sector at the moment?

    The ongoing COVID pandemic has forced many Councils into really tight financial positions and that will be an ongoing issue to overcome in the coming years. We are all understaffed and under resourced and we are forced to keep doing more with what we have and it will continue to get worse.

    Biggest regret outside of work in the past 10 years? Nothing!

    Every mistake is a lesson and every decision that I have made has given me experience and put me into the position that I am in today.


    Council officers from across Tasmania are invited to LG Professionals Australia’s annual conference, the 2020 Local Government Meeting on 1-2 December.

    This year’s conference will equip you with the tools to build resilience and promote growth in your organisation I the face of a year of natural disaster and pandemic challenges and our recovery effort to come.

    The event is also an opportunity for you to gain direct access to your Federal Government counterparts who make decisions affecting your council and who you would otherwise not get the chance to interact with so readily.

    In the face of time and financial strain for our sector, this year’s local government conference is more affordable and accessible than ever before. You can take part in-person or remotely at your computer, and the event is priced so that you can afford to invest in your team this year.

    You can find full details including the provisional program and tickets here.


    You are invited to a local government webinar on using data to develop council strategy.

    We're exploring how City of Gold Coast is using big data to transform their vision and realign their local strategy in a way that can be executed in your LGA. City of Gold Coast and D Spark will walk you through real data examples and demonstrate how big data has been helping councils around Australia enhance planning, reduce costs and ensure return on investment for local government areas.

    This online session with live Q&A is a must for senior local government executives, strategic planners and economic development chiefs. 

    For further information click here.

    Date: This Thursday 29 October
    Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 PM AEDT


    Insight GIS provides services in location intelligence (LI) and geographic information systems (GIS) to many local governments. These services include implementation of GIS software, integration of the GIS with other local government systems (e.g. the rating and property system), support and management of existing GIS or LI applications. 

    We have been an integral part of the Tasmania local government IT landscape for 30 years and to successfully achieve this requires a clear understanding of local government needs and requirements.

    The benefit for our local government clients is peace of mind, in knowing that Insight GIS can consistently deliver on their GIS and LI needs – whether that be now or into the future. 

    A recent requirement by local governments is to have an online mapping portal for the communities. Insight GIS has assisted councils in this area with their ‘Discover Communities’ initiative. For examples of our Discover Communities projects click here


    CBA have kindly provided the CommSec State of the State - Oct 2020 report for your interest.

    For the second quarter in a row, Tasmania remains in top spot on the economic performance rankings.

    Kind regards

    Mary Frost

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    GPO Box 69, Hobart Tas 7001 https://lpt.wildapricot.org/