What do you do in your role and how long
have you been doing it?
I’m Director of Works and Infrastructure
at Glamorgan Spring Bay Council and have been here for six months. In my role I
mentor more junior staff in their specific roles and provide a framework for
successful delivery of our shared accountabilities.
What made you want to work in Local
I have a good friend who asked me to
consider applying for a role where my skills were transferable. What keeps me
here is the desire to improve on what we do and to work closely with others to
help them achieve the best they can. Cake seems also to be an integral part of
LG culture and I tend to like cake.
What made you join LG Professionals
Other like-minded people drew me into
LGP initially and I recognise the benefits the organisation provides in
developing LG people. The LGP Challenge is a super program and Leadership
programs in their various forms are also extremely beneficial in developing,
nurturing and empowering people to engage and excel in this unique working
What interests do you have outside of
I like words. I have written a bit, a
book and a half, poems, songs. I like choirs and appreciate the importance of
singing as a means for overcoming fear of public speaking. I love the bush,
beaches and the raw Tasmanian beauty.
If you could give your 12-year-old self
1 piece of advice what would it be?
Always look for the good and promote it.
What is something most people don’t know
about you?
I like broccoli. Most people don’t admit
it but I’m not ashamed to say it.
What do you think are some of the
biggest challenges facing the sector at the moment?
The pace of digital change, particularly
for smaller councils. The decline of journalism professionalism and the rise of
social media misinformation are challenges we need to be on the front foot with
to tell the good stories we have and provide a fair representation of the
determinations we are charged with implementing.
Biggest regret outside of work in the
past 10 years?
Not getting a kayak sooner.