January 2021


Early bird registrations for the Management Challenge close this Friday, so don’t delay!

For the proactive councils already planning to enter a team in the 2021 Management Challenge, now is the time to get in early and make a saving for your organisation. For those on the fence, don’t just take our word for it - jump onto the management challenge website and find out just how valuable this long-running program has been to council CEOs and their staff alike.

If you’re a smaller council, you could double-up on savings with the early bird rate AND the smaller council subsidy. Or why not join with neighbouring councils to form a composite team.

Register now before the early bird flies!

Proudly sponsored by JLT Public Sector.


Expressions of interest are now open for Small Bites Big Topics; a new leadership program specifically designed for the local government sector that commences in February.

The program is being offered by Christine Turnbull from People on Purpose Group in partnership with LG Professionals Tas.

The high impact action orientated program has been developed by Christine to equip newly appointed or longer term managers, team leaders, coordinators and supervisors with the skills and knowledge to effectively lead and manage in today’s ever changing work environment.

Check out our website or download the brochure to find out more.

Call Christine Turnbull now on 0449 293 562 or email now christine@peopleonpurpose.com.au to express your interest or seek more information.


LG Professionals Tas is currently expanding its Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

If you would like to receive communications and invitations to the SIGs in the following areas of:

  • Community Services
  • Innovation and Digital Transformation

simply register your contact details below and nominate the Special Interest Group in the subject heading. Thanks to those who have already expressed interest.

The SIGs are open to both members and non-members.

Please pass this on to those in your council who may benefit from attending these SIGs.

Register Here


Cradle Coast Branch

Joshua Jackson, Finance Manager from Devonport City Council is organising a meeting of the NW Finance group from 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm on Tuesday 16 February at Central Coast Council prior to the LG Professionals branch meeting. Please register with Joshua by email. 

Registrations are now open for the:

  • Cradle Coast Branch Meeting (for members) and
  • Presentation/Networking Event (for members and guests) 
on Tuesday 16 February from 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm at Central Coast Council.

Hear Sandra Ayton, General Manager, Central Coast Council speak about their Reconciliation Action Plan.

The Presentation and Networking Event is sponsored by Cradle Coast Authority and non-members are invited to attend. This is a Covid Safe FREE event. 

Register here to attend the Cradle Coast Meeting and Networking Event.

Northern Branch

The meeting is scheduled on Wednesday 17 March. Details soon.

Southern Branch

The meeting is scheduled on Thursday 18 March. Details soon.


This month we have interviewed Amanda McCall, the Executive Manager Infrastructure for the Derwent Valley Council.


Amanda, what do you do in your role and how long have you been doing it? 

For the past four years I have worked in the Governance role for Council, writing and reviewing policy as well as ensuring we are meeting our regulatory responsibilities. I have recently transitioned to the Infrastructure role where I am now accountable for our Infrastructure team and the delivery of works.

What made you want to work in Local Government?

The opportunity to influence and be a part of change. I love challenge and its one that I am still enjoying being a part of.

What made you join LG Professionals Tasmania?

The opportunity was provided to me as part of a scholarship I received. The networking has been a great benefit of this membership.

What interests do you have outside of work?

I am a single mum of a toddler; I spend all the time I get outside work being the best mum I can be to my amazing son.

If you could give your 12-year-old self 1 piece of advice what would it be?

You will be told you ‘can’t, ‘shouldn’t’ and ‘won’t’, but you can, should and will.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I have a tattoo that reminds me to love, laugh and dream, always and forever.

What do you think are some of the biggest challenges facing the sector at the moment?

Change in community expectations, COVID-19.


The directors of Edge Legal have been proud supporters of the local government industry’s employment and safety needs for over a decade. We are employment and safety law specialists who help organisations deliver a 'results or removal with respect' approach to managing people - not driven by compliance or fear of claims.

Our services include:


Our pro-active approach is to manage most issues as performance (non-disciplinary) using a ‘crucial conversations’ framework supported by emails. This avoids overly formal processes.


We keep organisations legally compliant by providing user friendly documents and training HR to implement them. We review them annually to ensure continuance compliance.


We have expertise in one off or infrequent transactions where existing in-house skills need enhancing or complementing such as Investigations, Enterprise Bargaining, Safety, and Change Management.


We can represent you to resolve most claims quickly and economically at an early fixed cost for conciliation.  We are experienced advocates in all types of workplace disputes.


‘The Devonport City Council has undergone a digital transformation, and other councils in Tasmania and interstate are asking for advice on how to adopt its model.’

Source: The Advocate


MTAA Super and Tasplan are merging to secure better retirement outcomes for members. Their combined scale will provide efficiencies through improvements to products and services, low fees and strong returns. This means more value for their members now and into the future.

From 1 April 2021, they will have a new name — Spirit Super. Their new name will allow them to better represent their diverse member and employer base. As Spirit Super, they will be a national super fund that offers excellent service, value and member focus.

Read the media release here about their new name and further information is available in their FAQs.


Check out our upcoming events page to keep up to date and to register for our meetings, SIGs and events.

Save the date
Annual Conference 
28-29 October
Eastcoaster Tasmania

Kind regards

Mary Frost

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GPO Box 69, Hobart Tas 7001 https://lpt.wildapricot.org/