What made you want to work in Local Government?
The opportunity to influence and be a part of change. I love challenge and its one that I am still enjoying being a part of.
What made you join LG Professionals Tasmania?
The opportunity was provided to me as part of a scholarship I received. The networking has been a great benefit of this membership.
What interests do you have outside of work?
I am a single mum of a toddler; I spend all the time I get outside work being the best mum I can be to my amazing son.
If you could give your 12-year-old self 1 piece of advice what would it be?
You will be told you ‘can’t, ‘shouldn’t’ and ‘won’t’, but you can, should and will.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
I have a tattoo that reminds me to love, laugh and dream, always and forever.
What do you think are some of the biggest challenges facing the sector at the moment?
Change in community expectations, COVID-19.