December 2020


LG Professionals Tasmania is currently expanding it's Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

We aim to provide local government officers working in a particular area with an opportunity to connect, share best practice, collaborate and grow by learning from industry peers.

If you would like to receive communications and invitations to the SIGs in the following areas of:

  • Community Services 
  • Innovation and Digital Transformation

simply register your name, title, council, email address and phone number below plus nominate the Special Interest Group in the subject heading.

Please pass this on to those in your council who may benefit from attending these SIGs.


Local government professionals change careers multiple times within their councils, but horizontal movement doesn’t always translate to vertical movement. So how are you fostering the leadership potential of these experienced staff?

The Australasian Management Challenge is simply the most cost effective, enduring and targeted professional development program available for your council’s emerging local government leaders.

It’s been a highly successful program now for over 25 years with a typical roster of over 100 councils from across Australia and New Zealand entering teams each year.

Couple that with the number of executive leaders coming out of the program and the stats speak for themselves.

Want to know the true value of the program so that you can measure up the ROI for your council and your staff? See the full business case here.

For a limited time, you still have access to the early bird discount. Read on to find out more, use our handy tools and materials for pulling together a team in your organisation, and register straight from the website.

Proudly sponsored by 


Small Bites Big Topics is a high impact action orientated program has been developed to equip newly appointed or longer term managers, team leaders, coordinators and supervisors with the skills and knowledge to effectively lead and manage in today’s ever changing work environment.

Commencing in Feb 2021, this leadership program is being run in partnership with Christine Turnbull, People on Purpose Group. The program is uniquely tailored for Tasmanian local government.

Check out the website or download the brochure to find out more. 

Expressions of interest are now open and placements are limited.

Call Christine Turnbull now on 0449 293 562 or email now to express your interest or seek more information.


This month we have interviewed Jacqui Parker, the Governance Coordinator for the Meander Valley Council. 


Jacqui, what do you do in your role and how long have you been doing it?

I joined the Meander Valley Council team in early September 2020. My role is closely aligned with the General Manager and executive team, and I provide advice, comms and general support for Councillors in their key functions.

Other day-to-day tasks include internal audit, Right to Information requests, planning and reporting, delegations and policy review.

What made you want to work in Local Government?

Being a country kid at heart, I grew up involved and invested in grassroots community activities. Local government gives me an opportunity to influence policy and make a tangible impact on the exceptionally beautiful and vibrant region that I have chosen for my home.

What made you join LG Professionals Tasmania?

I heard about it from LGPT’s northern region president (Jon Harmey) who is Director Corporate Services at my council.

Membership with LGPT is a great way of building my local government knowledge and networks and keeping up with professional development opportunities.

What interests do you have outside of work?

Sportwise, I’m a volunteer (and occasional runner) at trail & ultra-running events all over Australia (UltraTrail Australia, Big Red Run, Oscar’s Hut2Hut and Simpson Desert Ultra to name a few). I also have aspirations for joining the Deloraine Devils to reignite my netball career next season.

At home, my partner and I are developing an organic vineyard and mixed-enterprise farming business on our little slice of rural Tassie paradise. Eventually I hope to sneak in a few horses so I can ride around the back blocks.

If you could give your 12-year-old self 1 piece of advice what would it be?

You can own your privileges in life without denying your triumphs.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

That I’ve written an unpublished children’s book.

What do you think are some of the biggest challenges facing the sector at the moment?

Technology and COVID-19 recovery.

With technology, change is the only constant and communities expect councils to keep up.

COVID-19 is an unprecedented and as-yet unfinished story; I expect we’ll see councils managing its flow-on effects for years to come.

Biggest regret outside of work in the past 10 years?

Not being in Victoria to be present for my youngest niece’s early years.

Almost three years ago, I moved to New South Wales for a busy new job, right as Lily was born. From there, I relocated to Tasmania in late 2019, and was excited to have my weekends back so that I could fly home more often. Well, that didn’t last!

Suffice to say I’m thrilled the borders have now reopened.


The Northern Branch held their recent meeting at the Sebel Launceston on Wednesday 25 November. A Christmas lunch was then held at Bluestone Bar & Grill.

Cradle Coast Branch held their Branch Meeting and Networking Event on Tuesday 1 December at Tall Timbers, Smithton. The networking event was sponsored by Cradle Coast Authority.

The Southern Branch held their Branch Meeting and Christmas function at Boodle Beasley, North Hobart on Wednesday 2 December.

Following are photos of the Northern and Cradle Coast Branch events.


A report from LG Professionals Tas National Director, Matthew Atkins, General Manager, Devonport City Council (pictured) and Clare Sullivan, CEO, LG Professionals Australia. 

The National Office of LG Professionals in Canberra has had a busy year making sure your voice is heard at the Federal level of government, advocating of behalf of LG Professionals members and facilitating the ongoing development of your council’s emerging leaders.

As local government is the most heavily community-facing level of government, it is critical that our organisations are in the room for the development of Federal and State policy that falls to us to implement.

The National Office has thus been utilising its strategic location next to the halls of Federal Government to make sure that not only is the local government voice heard, but that representatives are in the room in an even dialogue with key stakeholders in these conversations.

Read the full report here.



Tasplan is Tasmania’s local, trusted super fund. At our core, we support our members to achieve a happy and healthy retirement. We’re proud of the seamless experience we deliver to all our members, because the person they talk to about their money works alongside the person who manages it, and members can reach them however they choose, whether that’s by phone, in person or online.

We’re a profit-for-members super fund, managing over $10 billion in assets for our members Australia-wide. And, we have over 126,000 members who trust us to deliver all the things they want from their super fund.

We’re proud to once again be supporting the Local Government Professionals.


LGATASSIST (formerly the LGAT Welfare Fund) provides local government employees with support and assistance during times of health, financial and general personal difficulty.

The services offered by LGATASSIST are to provide:

  • Low interest loans to local government employees who are employed on a permanent basis
  • Access to financial counselling to assist with household management
  • Non-refundable grants may be approved for cases of extraordinary financial hardship
  • Three bursaries annually, to enable local government employees or their dependents to attend the University of Tasmania (conditions apply)

Mr Geoff Dodge, Life Member, LG Professionals Tasmania is our representative on the LGATASSIST Board.

Click here for further information.

The administration office will close on Thursday 17 December and re-open on Monday 11 January.

Season’s greetings and good wishes to you.

May your Christmas and New Year be filled with joy and the year ahead a safe and happy one.

From the Board and staff of LG Professionals Tas

Kind regards

Mary Frost

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