August 2021  


Register now for the annual conference being held at the Eastcoaster, Orford from Wednesday 27 October, 6:00 pm to Friday 29 October, 1:30 pm.

Join us for a Pre-Conference Welcome on Wednesday evening and then two days of thought leadership as you connect with your peers to hear about those making a positive difference in their local communities.

Our theme this year, Working Together – Our Future is Today, focuses on establishing meaningful connections and working collaboratively to cultivate positive change.

Accommodation has been reserved at the Eastcoaster until 1 September 2021. Book your accommodation and breakfast now by calling the Eastcoaster on 6257 1172 or emailing here.

Register here


Registrations are now open for the Community Services Special Interest Group.

Hear from:

  • Andy Beeston, West Tamar Youth Council - Youth strategy and innovative engagement approaches
  • Lola Cowle, Tasmanian Community Fund (TCF) - Grant writing insider tips
  • Deb Mainwaring, Circular Head Council - Overview of TCF Internship
  • Belinda Clarke, Centrecare Evolve & St Joseph's Affordable Homes - Mapping the potential research and housing partnerships
  • Dean Griggs, Derwent Valley Council & Kellie Nagle, MAV - Preventing violence against women and the role of local government

The SIG is open to members and non-members. Please pass this on to anyone in your council that may benefit from attending.

Date + Time + Venue
Tuesday 7 September, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Campbell Town Recreation Ground Complex

Member: $33 inc GST
Non-Member: $66 inc GST

Register here


Registrations are open for the All Tasmania Youth Advisory Summit, a one day conference for local government youth advisory groups.

If you are a member of a youth advisory council, have amazing ideas and wish to collaborate then you are invited to take the trip to the West Tamar municipality to collaborate and share new ideas to make a difference in your own community.

The Summit features excellent speakers, relevant workshops on improving your region, and an opportunity to share your voice, present your ideas and your inspiration!

This event is particularly for local government youth advisory councils. Please pass this on to anyone in your local government who is connected to a youth advisory council.  

If there is interest from other advisory groups or you need further information, please reach out to Andrew Beeston by email here

Friday 8th October (during school holidays), 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

The Tailrace Centre, 1 Waterfront Drive Riverside

Free for youth member participants ($25 for any workers attending)

Register here


All the best to team Go Launnie! from the City of Launceston who will compete virtually in the Australasian Management Challenge Final this week.

Good luck Stuart, Hayden, Dayle, Duncan, Kit and Sarah! Go Launnie! is mentored by Dan Ryan.


This month we have interviewed David Gregory, Manager Corporate at the West Tamar Council

What do you do in your role and how long have you been doing it?
I am the Manager Corporate at West Tamar Council, a role I have been doing for almost 8 years.

What made you want to work in Local Government?
I wasn’t specifically seeking a role in local government however an ideal opportunity arose at West Tamar Council at a time when I was looking to move on from the water industry.  


I have absolutely no regrets and really enjoy a fulfilling role with some very interesting challenges and I get to work with some fabulous people.

What made you join LG Professionals Tasmania?
I am a big believer in sharing knowledge and experiences and LG Professionals provides that opportunity across a number of special interest groups and networks.  While time to attend events can sometimes be limited it is really important to make the effort and I would encourage anyone thinking about joining to do so.

What interests do you have outside of work?
Well Saturday it was plumbing, and I’ve decided I’m not very good at that as no-one should get that wet.  Tomorrow it will be gardening, subject to the weather, and then sitting around our fire-pit enjoying time with my family - but only once the dog has been walked and fed.  I have also developed a keen interest in fermentation and now wish I had paid more attention in chemistry class.  I am a long-time member of the Quamby Golf Club but if at present I can find time to play one game a year I am doing well so it would seem to be a very expensive round of golf!

If you could give your 12-year-old self 1 piece of advice what would it be?
Who doesn’t look back and think what could I have done differently? I’ve made plenty of mistakes but they have got me to where I am today so I wouldn’t change much.  Perhaps I would tell myself to not smoke as I could’ve saved that money to help buy that ’65 Mustang that I’d love to own.  Or perhaps I would tell myself to invest any spare pocket money in Apple Inc.  But probably the most important thing I would say is “be patient, you will find her. P.S. her name is Claire.”

What is something most people don’t know about you?
My first real job was milking cows on my family’s farm near Deloraine, a career I may have pursued had I not had the opportunity of a State service job in Hobart. I still sometimes wonder what that life would be like.

What do you think are some of the biggest challenges facing the sector at the moment?
I’m not sure if it is a COVID impact or not but it seems some of the sector is more under the pump than ever before. I don’t know of any Council that couldn’t do with more resources to help with the load but unfortunately that comes at a cost and one thing I’ve learnt in local government is that money is tight and many costs increase more than CPI.  The escalating cost of waste management and recycling is a prime example of this. Also it is hard to attract experienced professionals into some areas as we are unable to compete with the private sector on remuneration and the age demographic of the workforce continues to be a challenge. On the bright side we have Tasmania as an important selling point and I think we will see an ever increasing flow of talent from the mainland, whether these are repats returning home or tree changers looking for a more balanced life out of the big mainland cities and their commutes.

Biggest regret outside of work in the past 10 years? 
I’d rather be a person that doesn’t look back with regret as it is the present and future that is important but if I had to name one regret it would be the night I left my car unlocked in the driveway and the chain of unfortunate events that this created – please lock your cars.



2022 school based apprenticeship positions are now open. Cradle Coast Authority is seeking applications from motivated students interested in several career starting opportunities.

Commencing in 2022, successful students will work part-time and achieve a nationally recognised qualification while completing their TCE.

For further information and to apply for 2022 positions please click here

Applications close 5.00 pm, 24 September 2021.


You are invited to register your interest for the Innovation MasterClass series where each month CommBank will bring you practical and engaging content, curated to educate, inspire and leave you with actionable insights to drive Innovation and help you deliver on strategy in your own organisation.

Once you register your interest, you will receive an invitation with further details for each monthly webinar, you can then choose to opt in depending on the topic for that month.

The series will be delivered virtually via webinar, so please register your interest to hear more about:

  • Principles of service design and customer experience
  • Aligning your strategy to your theory of change
  • Successfully leading and driving change
  • Commercialising your intellectual property
  • Innovating programs to drive diversity & inclusion in member based organisations

Please register early as spaces for this event are limited, registration can be completed here.            

26 August 2021, 23 September 2021, 28 October 2021, 25 November 2021

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Virtually via webinar, link will be shared via email following registration

Register here


CouncilWise is a growing provider of local government property and rating software across Australia and Oceania. With sites in Tasmania, Victoria, Northern Territory, Western Australia, New South Wales and Fiji, we develop modern, web-based software specific to local government needs.

We started as a company under the ownership of Brighton Council in Tasmania for over 20 years, and as a private company we have not forgotten the importance of our staff being intimately familiar with the needs of local government.

If your council is seeking a tried and tested solution to property and rating, and require modern integration possibilities for the myriad of systems used in today’s local government software environment, please contact us here.


Check out our upcoming events page to keep up to date and to register for our meetings, SIGs and events.

Save the date: 

  • Innovation & Digital Transformation SIG - Thursday 11 November
  • Risk, Legal & Property SIG - Tuesday 16 November
  • HR SIG - Thursday 18 November

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